Comics USA: TOXIN # 3 (of 6)

Comics USA: TOXIN # 3 (of 6)
Comics USA: TOXIN # 3 (of 6)
ref 47849
Comic-book 32 pages, color
EAN: 75960605718400311

Guión: Peter Milligan
Dibujo: Darick Robertson
Entintado: Rodney Ramos
Color: Matt Milla
Correspondencia Original:
Toxin 3

Cover by Simon Bisley
They say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and when the apple is a young, whacked-out alien symbiote named Toxin, and the tree is Carnage, then it’s time to duck and cover! Unfortunately, former officer Pat Mulligan can’t do that, since Toxin’s sharing his body! Time to talk about the facts of life and explain the complex difference between right and wrong. But who could possibly help him with all the complicated questions?
Featuring another villain escaped from the New Avengers breakout - The Answer!

PVP: 2.99 € 2.84
0.00 $
0.00 £

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