Comics USA: JLA # 115

Comics USA: JLA # 115
Comics USA: JLA # 115
ref 47848
Comic-book 40 pages, color.
EAN: 76194120811411511

Guión: Geoff Johns, Allan Heinberg
Dibujo: Chris Batista
Entintado: Mark Farmer
Color: David Baron
Correspondencia Original:
Jla 115

Cover by Rags Morales & Farmer
A star-studded creative team starts a 5-issue tale that has the JLA confronting the fallout from IDENTITY CRISIS! Fan-favorite writer Geoff Johns (JSA, TEEN TITANS, THE FLASH) is joined by The O.C. writer/producer Allan Heinberg (Young Avengers) for the first installment of this gripping adventure featuring visuals by Chris Batista (LEGION) & Mark Farmer (JLA: THE NAIL) and a cover by IDENTITY CRISIS artist Rags Morales & Farmer!
Before they can discuss the actions and repercussions of the League within the League, the JLA first must battle some old foes. The Secret Society of Super Villains has returned - and somehow they have more information on the heroes’ lives than ever before! For a signed edition see the Dynamic Forces section of Previews.

PVP: 2.50 € 2.38
0.00 $
0.00 £

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