Comics USA: BATMAN # 646

Comics USA: BATMAN # 646
ref 49645
Comic-book 32 pages, color.
EAN: 76194120005764611

Guión: Judd Winick
Dibujo: Shane Davis
Entintado: Rodney Ramos, Wayne Faucher, Lary Stucker
Color: Alex Sinclair
Correspondencia Original:
Batman 646

Cover by Jock

An INFINITE CRISIS tie-in! The Villains United want a piece of Gotham, and Black Mask is just the man to deliver it. Batman has his hands full with the criminals of Gotham, but before he can neutralize Deathstroke and company, Red Hood plans to take matters into his own hands!

PVP: 2.50 € 2.38
0.00 $
0.00 £

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