Comics USA: JUSTICE # 02

Comics USA: JUSTICE # 02
ref 49643
Comic-book 40 pages, color.
EAN: 76194124509600211

Guión: Jim Krueger, Alex Ross
Dibujo: Alex Ross, Doug Braithwaite
Entintado: Alex Ross
Color: Alex Ross
Correspondencia Original:
Justice 2

Cover by Ross

The unbelievable bimonthly 12-part maxiseries created by Alex Ross (KINGDOM COME), Jim Krueger (Earth X) and Doug Braithwaite (Paradise X) continues! The Riddler leads Batman into a mystery within a mystery through his compulsion to speak the truth through riddles. Does he hold the key to the reason the villains are helping mankind? Plus, Aquaman falls victim to one of the DCU’s most nefarious criminals!

PVP: 3.50 € 3.32
0.00 $
0.00 £

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Comics USA: SHE-HULK # 01
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