Comics USA: OUTSIDERS # 25

Comics USA: OUTSIDERS # 25
ref 48166
Comic-book 32 pages, color
EAN: 76194123721302511

Guión: Judd Winick
Dibujo: Carlos D’anda
Color: Guy Major
Correspondencia Original:
Outsiders 25

Cover by Mike McKone & Marlo Alquiza
The explosive finale of the 4-part "The Insiders" crossover with TEEN TITANS! Lex Luthor and his allies threaten to finish what they started and tear the teams apart. What does Donna Troy have to do with it all?

PVP: 2.50 € 2.38
0.00 $
0.00 £

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Comics USA: LAST HERO STANDING # 5 (of 5)
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