Comics USA: BATMAN # 641

Comics USA: BATMAN # 641
ref 48156
Comic-book 32 pages, color
EAN: 76194120005764111

Guión: Judd Winick
Dibujo: Doug Mahnke
Entintado: Tom Nguyen
Color: Alex Sinclair
Correspondencia Original:
Batman 641

Cover by Matt Wagner
The Red Hood has Onyx on her heels, but Batman’s still in Metropolis! Can the Dark Knight get back to Gotham in time to save the urban heroine from the city’s latest costumed psycho killer? Don’t miss the thrilling conclusion of "Family Reunion!"

PVP: 2.50 € 2.38
0.00 $
0.00 £

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Comics USA: THE OMAC PROJECT # 3 (of 6)
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