ref 46983
TP 146 pages, color, collecting Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn # 1 - 6
EAN: 76194120320100113
Keith Giffen, Gerard Jones, Jom Owsley
Dibujo: M D Bright
Entintado: Romeo Tanghal
Color: Anthony Tollin
Correspondencia Original: Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Only the fearless can be entrusted with a Green Lantern’s power ring, the universe’s most powerful weapon. When Abin Sur, the Green Lantern of Space Sector 2814, crash-landed on Earth, he knew it was time to pass the Emerald Mantle to a deserving human. After quickly studying billions of people, the ring selected test pilot Hal Jordan, who was busy making a mess of his life.
Now gifted with an incredible trust, Jordan needs a crash course in both using the ring and what it means to be a Green Lantern. And he had better learn fast - Legion, the alien marauder who has already killed four Green Lanterns, has arrived on Earth to hunt down his fifth.
The legendary Emeral Crusader is reimagined here by writers Jim Owsley (Black Panther), Keith Giffen, and Gerard Jones (Justice League) with art by M.D. Bright and Romeo Tanghal (Icon, Thunderbolts).
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