Comics USA: SHE-HULK TP # 1: Single Green Female

Comics USA: SHE-HULK TP # 1: Single Green Female
Comics USA: SHE-HULK TP # 1: Single Green Female
ref 46528
TP Collecting She-Hulk # 1 - 6
EAN: 978078511443751499

Guión: Dan Slott
Dibujo: Juan Bobillo, Paul Pelletier
Entintado: Marcelo Sosa, Roland Paris, Tom Simmons, Don Hillsman
Color: Chris Chuckry, Avalon Studios
Correspondencia Original:
She-Hulk 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

"A Wildly entertaining read" - Wizard Magazine

"Single Green Female - Outgoing, intelligent, great sense of humor. Enjoys clubbing, dishing with gal-pals and saving the universe. Ready to put old issues behund and make a fresh start. Contact Jen W. At Avengers Mansion"

That’s right... everyone’s favorite Jade Giantess, She-Hulk, has returned for tons of fun, both on and off the field of battle!

PVP: 13.80 € 13.11
0.00 $
0.00 £

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