ref 366504
Comic-book 28 pages, b/w
EAN: 718122289035
Idioma: Inglés

Guión y dibujo: Dave Sim
Dave Sim’s fabled Cerebus The Aardvark started out as a (visual, at least) homage to the early Marvel Conan The Barbarian, and soon metamorphosed into a vehicle for personal statement -- i.e., basically anything he cared to write or draw about.

In one sense, the new glamourpuss follows the same trail even while blazing new ones. Dave has taken his fascination with the modern style of fashion art and photography and utilizes it in issue #1 to examine the Alex Raymond/Rip Kirby school of comic art, with a few side trips along the way involving too-tight shoes, sweat glands, and Mahatma Ghandi. Hopefully, he’s found a way to seduce a new generation of post-super-hero graphic novel freaks into reading and perhaps synthesizing his knowledge and opinions while they think they’re just looking at a bunch of fashionable models in exquisite clothes. And all because of his self-stated goal to make his new major post-Cerebus project "cute teenaged girls in my best Al Williamson photo-realism style."

Maybe we’re all lucky (or un-) that he didn’t get interested in nude photography, instead.

Onward and upward, Dave! I’ll read 20+ pages of comics like glamourpuss #1 anytime!

Best wishes,

Roy Thomas

PVP: 2.50 € 2.38
0.00 $
0.00 £

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