Comics USA: NIGHTWING # 123

Comics USA: NIGHTWING # 123
Comics USA: NIGHTWING # 123
ref 201974
Comic-book 32 pages, color
EAN: 76194120739112311

Guión: Bruce Jones
Dibujo: Robert Teranishi
Entintado: Wes Craig
Color: Guy Major
Featuring guest art by Robert Teranishi (SAGA OF SEVEN SUNS: VEILED ALLIANCES)! There’s a fire-throwing killer on the streets, targeting the few people Nightwing can trust. The race is on for Nightwing to stop the fires while dodging the bullets and spotlights of the NYPD!

PVP: 2.99 € 2.84
0.00 $
0.00 £

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Comics USA: ROBIN # 153
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Comics USA: ION # 05 (OF 12)
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