Comics USA: WARLORD # 1

Comics USA: WARLORD # 1
ref 51497
Comic-book 32 pages, color
EAN: 76194125107300111

Guión: Bruce Jones
Dibujo: Bart Sears
Color: Mike Atiyeh
Correspondencia Original:
Warlord 1

Prepare for the triumphant return of one of the greatest and longest-running sword-and-sorcery characters of all time in a new series written by Bruce Jones (VIGILANTE, YEAR ONE: BATMAN/SCARECROW) with stunning visuals by Bart Sears (JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL)!

Return with Travis Morgan to the amazing continent of Skartaris…a world of extraordinary fantasy and heart-stopping adventure! The land of Shamballah is caught in the grip of the tyrant Brouis — but the chronicles prophecy a liberator in the form of a displaced man of our time. The phenomenal exploits of this heroic time-lost hero begin here!

PVP: 2.99 € 2.84
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Comics USA: BATGIRL # 73
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Comics USA: CATWOMAN # 52
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