Comics USA: THE 198 # 2 (of 5)

Comics USA: THE 198 # 2 (of 5)
Comics USA: THE 198 # 2 (of 5)
ref 51295
Comic-book 32 pages, color
EAN: 75960605826600211

Guión: David Hine
Dibujo: Jim Muniz
Entintado: Kevin Conrad
Color: Matt Milla
Correspondencia Original:
The 198 2

THE STORY: Part 2 (of 5)!
With no where else to turn, the remaining mutants of Earth have come for sanctuary at Xavier Institute. Gangs are being formed, alliances forged, and tension is growing. Xavier’s is becoming a powder keg that’s about to blow! Starring the Astonishing X-Men!

PVP: 2.99 € 2.84
0.00 $
0.00 £

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