Comics USA: G.I.JOE # 01

Comics USA: G.I.JOE # 01
ref 48159
Comic-book 32 pages, color
EAN: 88214200100400101

Guión: Joe Casey
Dibujo: Stefano Caselli
Entintado: Andrew Pepoy
Color: Sunder Raj
Correspondencia Original:
G.i.joe 1

Beginning a New Era of Greatness! Issue Zero gave you a taste of what Joe Casey’s got in store for GI Joe - but now, the fun really begins! Cobra has been splintered...the Red Shadows have gone back into hiding...but the war has only just begun! Chicago has suffered a disaster of unimaginable magnitude. The question is - was it the result of an attack, or was it a horrible accident? The President has scrambled the Joes to find out - but what they discover will come as an even greater shock - almost as great a shock as the identity of their new advisor!

PVP: 2.95 € 2.80
0.00 $
0.00 £

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