Comics USA: X-23 # 3 (of 6)

Comics USA: X-23 # 3 (of 6)
Comics USA: X-23 # 3 (of 6)
ref 46254
Comic-book 32 pages, color
EAN: 75960605560900311

Guión: Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost
Dibujo: Billy Tan
Entintado: Jon Sibal
Color: Brian Haberlin
Correspondencia Original:
X-23 3

"INNOCENCE LOST"-Spinning out of "NYX," the true origin of X-23 continues - We’ve witnessed her creation and the acts of mental and physical manipulation that have made her the ultimate weapon. Now we will see her in action! Her first field mission - assassinate a U.S. presidential candidate surrounded by thousands of supporters in broad daylight. And that is just the beginning.

PVP: 2.99 € 2.84
0.00 $
0.00 £

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