Comics USA: NIGHTWING # 101

Comics USA: NIGHTWING # 101
ref 45949
Comic-book 32 pages, color
EAN: 76194120739110111

Guión: Scott Beatty, Chuck Dixon
Dibujo: Scott Mcdaniel
Entintado: Andy Owens
Color: Gregory Wright
Correspondencia Original:
Nightwing 101

Writers Chuck Dixon & Scott Beatty join forces with artists Scott McDaniel & Andy Owens for the biweekly 6-part story "Nightwing: Year One!" Before Dick Grayson can get on with life, he must look back at his early years, starting with his last caper as Robin!

PVP: 2.25 € 2.14
0.00 $
0.00 £

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