Comics USA: BATMAN # 652

Comics USA: BATMAN # 652
Comics USA: BATMAN # 652
ref 200273
Comic-book 32 pages, color.
EAN: 76194120005765211

Guión: James Robinson
Dibujo: Don Kramer
Entintado: Michael Bair, Wayne Faucher
Color: John Kalisz
Correspondencia Original:
Batman 652

Part 4 of "Face the Face," an amazing 8-part story written by James Robinson (JSA: THE GOLDEN AGE, HAWKMAN, STARMAN) crossing over with DETECTIVE COMICS! The hunt for Harvey Dent is on — but how do you catch a man who now knows more about Gotham than Batman? Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne must make a serious decision about the future of Tim Drake.

PVP: 2.50 € 2.38
0.00 $
0.00 £

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