Piel de asno

Piel de asno
Piel de asno
ref 121173
Combel Editorial
Tapa blanda, 18x25 cms, 16 páginas, fecha publicación: 02/2010

Fecha de salida: 02/2010
ISBN: 9788498255331
EAN: 9788498255331
Idioma: Español

Guión: Carmen Blazquez Gil
Dibujo: Margarita Ruiz Abello

<p style="text-align: justify;">The young and the not so young will share the adventure of forty stori es that have lost nothing with the passing of the<BR/>years and which still have the special appeal of the classics. Give free rein to your emotions with these appealing old favourites<BR/>about the magic of th e world that surrounds us.</p>

PVP: 2.00 € 1.90
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