Objective First Certif.with Answers+cd St 4ªed

Objective First Certif.with Answers+cd St 4ªed
Objective First Certif.with Answers+cd St 4ªed
ref 117776
ISBN: 9781107628304
EAN: 9781107628304

Autor: Aa.vv.

<p style="text-align: justify;">Fourth edition of the best-selling Cambridge English: First (FCE) course, updated to prepare for the 2015 revised exam. The Student's Book with answers contains fresh, updated texts and artwork that provide solid language development, lively class discussion and training in exam skills. The 24 topic-based units include examples from the Cambridge English Corpus to highlight common learner errors, while vocabulary sections informed by the English Vocabulary Profile ensure that students are learning the most useful language required at this level. A phrasal verb list provides a handy reference. The interactive CD-ROM provides comprehensive extra practice of the language and topics covered in the book. The Class Audio CDs contain the recordings for all the listening exercises.</p>

PVP: 38.00 € 36.10
0.00 $
0.00 £

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