Comics USA: X-MEN # 210 Legacy
ref 53938
Comic-book 32 pages, color

EAN: 75960601772021011
Idioma: Inglés

Guión: Mike Carey
Dibujo: Scot Eaton
Entintado: Andrew Hennessy, John Dell
Color: Frank D’armata
In the wake of Messiah CompleX, there are no X-Men and mutantkind still lies in ruin. With Magneto depowered and Xavier gravely injured, it seems their reign as the preeminent mutants has ended. But neither of these old soldiers is willing to go gentle into that good night, as Exodus learns when he squares off against Xavier on the psychic plane, with the fate of Professor X’s mind at stake.

PVP: 2.95 € 2.80
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