Comics USA: HELLBLAZER # 218
ref 51888
Comic-book 32 pages, color
EAN: 76194120066821811

Guión: Denise Mina
Dibujo: Leonardo Manco
Color: Lee Loughridge
Correspondencia Original:
Hellblazer 218

Part 3 of the 7-part story "Empathy is the Enemy," written by acclaimed author Denise Mina. On the highway to Glasgow, John encounters a forgotten acquaintance from his troubled youth. Coincidence, or a set up engineered by a shadowy sect rooted in nine centuries of Scottish mysticism? Constantine senses that the end of this road may be too dark even for him.

PVP: 2.75 € 2.61
0.00 $
0.00 £

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