ref 49837
Comic-book 32 pages, color
Two covers available

EAN: 76194124793900211

Guión: J Scott Campbell, Andy Hartnell
Dibujo: J Scott Campbell
Entintado: Avalon Studios
Color: Edgar Delgado
Correspondencia Original:
Wildsiderz 2

The second pulse-pounding issue of the newest creation from the Danger Girl creators J. Scott Campbell and Andy Hartnell! After the earth-shaking events of last issue, the Wildsiderz begin to gel as a team as they learn more about their fantastic new abilities and unique powers. But can they stop the nefarious Dr. Spydre from stealing the Wildsiderz technology and using it to achieve his sinister plans?

PVP: 3.50 € 3.32
0.00 $
0.00 £

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