Comics USA: 1602: NEW WORLD # 4 (of 5)
Comics USA: 1602: NEW WORLD # 4 (of 5)
ref 49632
Comic-book 32 pages, color, soft cover.
EAN: 75960605582100411

Guión: Greg Pak
Dibujo: Greg Tocchini
Entintado: Greg Tocchini, Oclair Abert
Color: Laura Villari, Laura Martin
Correspondencia Original:
1602: New World 4

THE STORY: Battle lines are being drawn in the New World. Norman Osborne’s master plan is nearing completion. Can Peter Parquagh stop him? And witness the showdown between Antonio Stark and David Banner as Lord Iron and the Hulk do battle! Can the colony survive the outcome?

PVP: 3.50 € 3.32
0.00 $
0.00 £

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