ref 49534
Comic-book 32 pages, color
EAN: 76156811564203611

Guión: Welles Hartley
Dibujo: Davide Fabbri
Entintado: Christian Dalla Vecchia
Color: Davide Fabbri
Correspondencia Original:
Star Wars: Empire 36

The Wrong Side of the War part 1 (of 5)

Devotion to duty has put Imperial Lieutenant Janek Sunber once more on the front lines. First as part of an intense ground battle, where the last of a planet’s freedom fighters are desperately holding on, then as a glorified prison guard at an Imperial base where prisoners are put to work for the benefit of the Empire.

It’s not the career Sunber imagined he’d have in the Imperial Infantry, but a Rebel surprise attack on the base may give Sunber another chance to distinguish himself--or die trying!

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