Comics USA: GRAVITY # 2 (of 5)
ref 48207
Comic-book 32 pages, color
EAN: 75960605716000211

Guión: Sean Mckeever
Dibujo: Mike Norton
Entintado: Jonathan Glapion
Color: Guru Fx
Correspondencia Original:
Gravity 2

Pencils & Cover by Mike Norton
So, you’ve moved to the city, settled in and enjoyed your first victory against a notorious super villain. Now what’s a freshly-minted super hero to do? Why, you find yourself a seasoned veteran to show you the ropes and offer sage advice. Hey, be sure to ask him for some pointers on how to lie to your friends about all those bruises and disappearing acts, okay?

PVP: 2.99 € 2.84
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