ref 46695
TPB. Collecting Starman # 47 - 53
EAN: 978156389797951795

Guión: James Robinson, David Goyer
Dibujo: Peter Snejbjerg, Steve Yeowell
Entintado: Wade Von Grawbadger, Keith Champagne, Steve Yeowell
Color: Gregory Wright, John Kalisz
Correspondencia Original:
Starman 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53

Starman, accompanied bu his comrade Mikaal and a Mother Box-produced hologram of his father, Ted Knight, begins a stat-spanning quest with one near-impossible goal - to find the brother of his lady love, Sadie. But an encounter with a mysteriois Dark Colossus sends our reluctant hero spiraling through time and space - to share adventures with the Legion of Super-Heroes, to visit the long-dead planet Krypton where he meets the father of Superman, and to the planet Rann where he battle alien invaders alongside the legendary Adam Strange.
with the lives of his friends on the line, jack Knight faces impossible odds on a journey which he hopes will finally lead him back into the arms of his beloved Sadie.

PVP: 16.15 € 15.34
0.00 $
0.00 £

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