Comics USA: HELLBLAZER # 219
Comics USA: HELLBLAZER # 219
ref 200097
Comic-book 32 pages, color
EAN: 76194120066821911

Guión: Denise Mina
Dibujo: Leonardo Manco
Color: Lee Loughridge
Correspondencia Original:
Hellblazer 219

Part 4 of the 7-part story "Empathy is the Enemy," written by acclaimed author Denise Mina. John Constantine and his new acquaintance, Chris Cole, arrive in Glasgow, hoping to get answers from the mysterious Steve Evans as to why they were summoned to Scotland in the first place. But after a quick visit to Cole’s apartment, Constantine soon realizes that he’s caught in a trap.

PVP: 2.75 € 2.61
0.00 $
0.00 £

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