El laboratorio secreto
ref 115482
Editorial Bambú
Tapa blanda, 15x21 cms, 272 páginas
Colección: Grandes lectores, fecha publicación: 10/2006
Fecha de salida: 10/2006
ISBN: 9788483430149
EAN: 9788483430149
Idioma: Español
<p style="text-align: justify;">Paris 2006. The Robles brothers<BR/>discover the secret laboratory<BR/ >of the mad doctor Laffi tte in the<BR/>basement of a big old house.<B R/>Among the weird inventions<BR/>they come across, there is an<BR/>in fernal machine which can<BR/>cause horrifying hallucinations.<BR/>Due to some carelessness, the<BR/>evil scientists of the Trouton<BR/>inves tigation company get their<BR/>hands on the machine and plan<BR/>to ma ke themselves rich. The<BR/>Robles brothers are on the point<BR/>of re covering the machine when<BR/>one of them is kidnapped; they<BR/>were accompanied by a friendly<BR/>Frenchman whom they met<BR/>in the hotel where they were<BR/>staying.<BR/>The only solution is to storm<BR/>th e impregnable technological<BR/>fortress of the Trouton company<BR/>wi th the aid of Laffi tte's<BR/>inventions in order to put an<BR/>end to the dreadful conspiracy.<BR/><BR/></p>
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